Social responsibility report of Yiwu hanghong Clothing Co., Ltd

Source: Yiwu Hang Hong Clothing Co., Ltd.Release time: 2022-09-09

Review purpose: to analyze the current situation and continuous suitability, sufficiency and effectiveness of the company's social responsibility.

Review time: August 3, 2021 in the company's conference room.

Moderator: Jin Junying

Attended by: management representatives and heads of all departments

Review contents:

1. Policies on child and underage workers

2. Policy on non forced labor and prohibition of discrimination and harassment

(3) implementation of freedom of association and collective bargaining right

4. Handling of major quality accidents

5. Health and safety environment of the whole plant

6. About wages and working hours

7. Organizational structure, responsibility assignment, laws and regulations or other requirements of the company

8. Management and policies of suppliers and subcontractors

9. Management and implementation of corrective and preventive measures

10. External communication process and Implementation

Requirements for review preparation:

According to the requirements of the review content, all departments should prepare the following materials before August 2, 2021:

Health and safety procedures and records

Personnel list of the Department

Attendance record

Overtime leave record

Social responsibility manual, procedure documents, etc

Attachment Download:Social responsibility report of Yiwu hanghong Clothing Co., Ltd